At the Time of Flood

A lady called Linda from Geelong in Australia sent a very long, detailed and beautiful letter to me, part of which said—

“I am writing to express how much I appreciate everything you and Nick create and share, you were uniting humanity long before current circumstances showed how connected we all are.”

“I thought of Stuff when I came across this breathtaking painting of devastation (and fashion inspiration perhaps). In 1864 Russian artist Konstantin Flavitsky painted ‘The Princess Tarakanova, in the Peter and Paul Fortress, at the Time of the Flood’ based on a legend in which Catherine the Great locked the false princess in a cell that was known to flood. It is in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.”

Such an amazing painting! The image resonates with many I am sure—the feeling of being besieged! Thank you so much, Linda, for your kind words and sending your lovely ideas.

Stay safe and much love, Susie x