THE BREAD WAS RUNNING OUTI spent some time this morning looking at video footage of the Belgian singer-songwriter Jeannine Deckers, member of the Dominican Order in Belgium. She acquired widespread fame in 1963 with the release of the Belgian French song "Dominique", which topped the US Billboard Hot 100 and other charts. Owing to confusion over the terms of the recording contract, she was reduced to poverty, and also experienced a crisis of faith, quitting the order, though still remaining a Catholic. She died in a double suicide with her lifelong partner, Annie Pécher, in 1985. A sad, eerie tale, but I do love this cheery little song. Love Susie. x


Dominica -nique -nique

Dominique -nique -nique

Went just

S'en allait tout simplement

Road, poor and singing

Routier, pauvre et chantant

On all roads, in all places

En tous chemins, en tous lieux

He only talks about the Good Lord

Il ne parle que du Bon Dieu

At the time when John Lackland

À l'époque où Jean Sans Terre

Of England was the king

D'Angleterre était le roi

Dominic our father, fought the Albigensians

Dominique notre père, combattit les albigeois

Some days a heretic

Certains jours un hérétique

Through brambles leads him

Par des ronces le conduit

But our Father Dominic, through his joy, converted him

Mais notre Père Dominique, par sa joie le convertit

Neither camel nor stagecoach

Ni chameau, ni diligence

He travels across Europe on foot

Il parcourt l'Europe à pied

Scandinavia or Provence, in holy poverty

Scandinavie ou Provence, dans la sainte pauvreté

Ignited every school

Enflamma de toute école

Girls and boys full of enthusiasm

Filles et garçons pleins d'ardeur

And to sow the word, invented the Brother-Preachers

Et pour semer la parole, inventa les Frères-Prêcheurs

At Dominique and his brothers

Chez Dominique et ses frères

The bread was running out

Le pain s'en vint à manquer

And two angels appeared, carrying great golden loaves

Et deux anges se présentèrent, portant de grands pains dorés

Dominique lives in a dream

Dominique vit en rêve

Preachers around the world

Les prêcheurs du monde entier

Under the cloak of the Virgin, in large numbers gathered

Sous le manteau de la Vierge, en grand nombre rassemblés

Dominic, my good Father

Dominique, mon bon Père

Keep us simple and cheerful

Garde-nous simples et gais

To announce to our brothers, life and truth

Pour annoncer à nos frères, la vie et la vérité

Dominica -nique -nique

Dominique -nique -nique

Went just

S'en allait tout simplement

Road, poor and singing

Routier, pauvre et chantant

On all roads, in all places

En tous chemins, en tous lieux

He only talks about the Good Lord

Il ne parle que du Bon Dieu

He only talks about the Good Lord

Il ne parle que du Bon Dieu