God and Job and Jung

My husband and I received a letter from a friend. The letter had a lovely Carl Jung quote in it.

“I am reading Jung’s Answer to Job, from which, the following:

‘What does man possess that God does not have? Because of his littleness, puniness, and defencelessness against the Almighty, he possesses, as we have already suggested, a somewhat keener consciousness based on self-reflection: he must, in order to survive, always be mindful of his impotence. God has no need of this circumspection, for nowhere does he come up against an insuperable obstacle that would force him to hesitate and hence make him reflect upon himself. Could a suspicion have grown up in God that man possesses an infinitely small yet more concentrated light than he, Yahweh, possesses?’

You see the truth in that?  That’s been going round in my head for weeks now… an infinitely small yet more concentrated light than he, Yahweh, possesses… “


We love this quote too. Thank you, Brock. It’s been going round in my head also, because I keep seeing sparks of dancing light as I go about the place, in the trees and in the sky and in my room. I wonder if these sparks of light are revealed residual consciousness. I wonder if consciousness and the soul are connected and are in someway eternal. This thought makes me very happy. I’ve Amazoned Jung’s Answer to Job and I’m eager to read it. Just my cup of tea at the moment!

Love Susie x